
The Icelandic Art Center, IAC, promotes and supports Icelandic contemporary art internationally through grants, collaborations and projects. The IAC facilitates professional partnerships, visitor programs, and international collaborations between artists. The Center serves as an information point for curators, press, artists, and art institutions. The Icelandic Art Center commissions the Icelandic Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.

The organisation

The Icelandic Art Center, IAC, was established in 2004 and is a non-profit organisation. It was founded by all accredited Icelandic art museums, the National Gallery of Iceland, The Icelandic Visual Art Copyright Association, The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists, Business Iceland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Association of artist-run spaces and the Association of Art Historians and Theorists in Iceland.

IAC´s representative council is appointed by IAC founding organisations. Each party nominates one representative in the council, except The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists, which nominates five representatives.

Icelandic Art Center logo

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Amanda Riffo - house of purkinje - 2023
Dozie, Precious
Hildigunnur BIRGISDÓTTIR, Approx. 7% (2024), Icelandic Pavilion
ÍMV 2024 handhafar Ljósmynd: Sunday & White
Austurstræti 5