Holiday Season – Group Exhibitions and Markets

Holiday Season – Group Exhibitions and Markets

Various galleries and exhibition spaces organise special exhibitions and markets dedicated to the upcoming holiday season.  

Listval celebrates their one year residence in Harpa Concert and Conference Hall with an extensive Christmas Exhibition, which consists of 300 art works by 100 artists. You can also browse the art work selection on display on their website.

Ásmundarsalur opens their annual Christmas hang for the fifth time running, presenting 32 artists this year. A long side the bazaar they published a book which contains the art work list, interviews with artists and studio visits to give readers more insight into the artist roaster and their creative processes.

The Artis Run exhibition space Gallery Port recently moved their location to Laugarvegur 32. However, they will host their annual exhibition Christmas Guests of Gallery Port for the sixth consecutive year. The group exhibition Laufarbrauð opened at the same time, curated by Joe Keys.

Last but not least, Flæði is hosting a holiday art market on selected dates; 3rd, 7th and 10th of December.The market has 14 artists participating, for more information on the markets and any additional artists go to their social media platforms:

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