Magnús Sigurðarson

Kling & Bang hosts two exhibitions by artists of different generations; Guðrún Marta Jónsdóttir’s exhibition Silfurgjá and Magnús Sigurðarson’s exhibition Óþægileg blæbrigði - Gleðisögur af Depurð og Dauða, both of whose works have a strong connection to America.
Magnús Sigurðarson’s exhibition is called HAPPY TALES of DEATH and MELANCHOLY or THE GREAT AMERICAN FAILURE. "In a continuation of a process that began in 1997 when I began to wander across the vast and varied landscapes of America, I find myself becoming the land, skipping the soup, and melting into the pot itself. Never belonging, but almost becoming one of the fossils found in the layers that make up the land. My first American Love was the continent itself which juxtaposes my bedrock being, in every possible way. I am not becoming an American, but in a way, becoming America.”
Magnús studied in Florence, Reykjavík and at Rutgers. He lives and works in El Dorado, New Mexico.
Artist: Magnús Sigurðarson