Áslaug Íris Katrín Friðjónsdóttir

In all creative processes we open portals into new dimensions within ourselves and around us. We open up to the unknown and the unexpected, created by the interplay of the discipline and the unconscious.In the exhibition Open, Áslaug reflects on the dimensions of the painting, both the external space as within, from the space in larger context to the work's smallest units. What dimensions can the work open up for us? Which perspective do we choose and do we see anything unexpected?We could be situated in the subjective reality of the artist, inside the human body, out in nature or even in distant galaxies. If you look long enough, you might even hear what you see. Colours, stones, water, linoleum, pencil and other materials merge in the same way as the perception. Opposites become parallels, the linear takes flight and a playful movement is created both on the work's surface and within the new context that the senses perceive."
Artist: Áslaug Íris Katrín Friðjónsdóttir