Progressive Decay
Emilia Telese

Progressive Decay is a series of large scale monotypes and monoprints on polylaminate (sometimes known with the brand name of Tetrapak) which Telese began in 2022 as part of an ongoing exploration into the emotional meaning of materials and the conceptual boundaries of printmaking within her practice. Using inks she made from Icelandic glaciers soil, earth from ancient Italian forests and reconstructed polyaminate (sometimes known with the brand name of tetra-pak), Telese employed a painstaking, emotional process to produce a series of monoprints and monotypes where material and mark-making accumulate until the matrix disintegrates and can no longer be printed.The series is a reflection on temporality in both process and form, becoming a metaphor for both the impermanence of material culture and the inevitable degradation of all things over time, evoking Roland Barthes' notion of the grain of the voice, where the deterioration of a medium is as integral to its meaning as its initial form.
Artist: Emilia Telese