The land that doesn't exist

Gréta Mjöll Bjarnadóttir

Gréta Mjöll Bjarnadóttir „Landið sem er ekki til ”

Poems describe feelings and understanding of an experience, and they can thus influence all artistic creation. In everyday life and studies, the art of poetry gives everyone the opportunity to grow.

The installation "The land that doesn't exist" is based, among other things, on the effect of imagery on me in the poems of two poets when their books were published in Iceland about 30 years ago. It is about Edith Södergran b. 1892 d. 1923 and Hanna Mäkelä b.1943. It is about Edith Södergran b. 1892 d. 1923 and Hanna Mäkelä b.1943. Njörður P. Njarðvík translated and published Södergran's book
in 1992: "The country that does not exist".

Her poems and definitions of the creative process, feelings and attitudes were characterized by the sincerity of the child of nature, criticism and moral responsibility and courage and judgment despite the struggle against difficult conditions. Edith was ahead of her time with feminist expression in poetry. Edith describes her poetry in this way: "I don't write poems," she said, "but I create myself, and the poems are the way to myself." Hannu Mäkelä entered a new imagery of poetry in Finland that took shape after the 1950s and was characterized by innovation where the poem becomes the image itself and comes from the poet's mind. Eyvindur Pétur Eiríksson translated Hanna Mäkelä's book "The years show no mercy". 1993.

Njörður P Njarðvík and Eyvindur Pétur Eiríksson.

Many thanks for the wonderful translations of these moving poems and your permission.

Artist: Gréta Mjöll Bjarnadóttir


01.11.2024 – 23.11.2024


SÍM Gallery

Hafnarstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland


City CenterExhibition

Opening hours:

Mon – sun: 12:00 – 16:00

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