Motivational Award 2020: Claire Paugam

The recipient of the Motivational Award 2020 is Claire Paugam an ambitious and powerful contribution to art this year.

Islensku myndlistarverðlaunin 2020 Claire Paugam

The recipient of the Motivational Award 2020 is Claire Paugam (b. 1991) an ambitious and powerful contribution to art this year.
Claire is a French artist who has lived in Iceland for years. She graduated from Beaux-Art de Nantes Métropole in 2014, finished her Master’s degree from Iceland University of the Arts in 2016, and has since then been very active on the art scene in Iceland and in France.

Claire usually deals with art and other diverse projects in the field of exhibition management, stage design, music videos, poems and text works. This includes the solo exhibition Pouring Inside in Flæði which was an off-venue event of the art festival Sequences IX, and Versatile Uprising, an interactive installation in Wind and Weather Window Gallery with Raphaël Alexandre.

Claire’s work has a strong personal aesthetic and the jury considers her artistic vision clear and interesting, she is a generous and powerful artist.

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