Motivational Award 2023: Ásgerður Birna Björnsdóttir

The recipient of the Motivational Award is Ásgerður Birna Björnsdóttir (b.1990) for her exhibition A Twitch and a Tug at Reykjavik Art Museum.

islensku myndlistarverdlaunin 2023-Asgerdur Birna Bjornsdottir-Photo: Gunnlöð Jóna

The recipient of the Motivational Award is Ásgerður Birna Björnsdóttir (b.1990) for her exhibition A Twitch and a Tug at Reykjavik Art Museum. She has already made a name for herself among emerging artists by raising insistent questions about the future and dealing with the most pressing issues of our times, the interplay of man and nature.

Tilnefningar 2023 - Ásgerður Birna Björnsdóttir - Snertitaug Ljosmynd: Vigfús Birgisson

Ásgerður Birna Björnsdóttir: A Twitch and a Tug. Photos: Vigfús Birgisson

Ásgerður Birna Björnsdóttir Snertitaug Ljosmynd Vigfús Birgisson
Ásgerður Birna Björnsdóttir Snertitaug Ljosmynd Vigfús Birgisson
Ásgerður Birna Björnsdóttir Snertitaug Ljosmynd Vigfús Birgisson

Her exhibition, A Twitch and a Tug, received deserved attention. Solar cells, placed on the outside walls of the building powered video works on LED screens, showing sprouting walnuts and potatoes. Natural light and weather controlled the exhibition’s appearance each day. Blue plastic cords that transferred energy from the sun to the machines in
the installation hung on the museum walls, reminiscent of organic nerves. There
were also sprouting potatoes and walnuts in small pockets on the walls,
following their own calling in the material’s eternal cycle. The white space
had lightness and a certain levity, mixed with astonishment and anxiety,
against the magic of nature. The work contained a direct fusion of the organic
and the digital, which caused viewers to ponder how the line between the two is
always getting blurrier. The jury found the exhibition powerful and the
activity of the machines and the organisms, which largely takes place outside
the direct perception of man, focused our views on the basic attributes of life
and growth on the earth, and man’s often clumsy attempts to harness and control
this energy.

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