Steinunn Önnudóttir at Künstlerhaus Bethanien

Steinunn Önnudóttir, Anna Hrund Másdóttir, Ragnheiður Káradóttir: Feigðarós, 2021

Steinunn Önnudóttir has been selected from a group of applicants for a year-long residency program at Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin. The stay lasts from spring 2024 – spring 2025. The residency provides artists who live there with access to a powerful, international network; curators, collectors, journalists and others working in the sector. In addition, the institute organizes exhibitions, publications and various events for the artists in residence. During the residency artists exhibit at Künstlerhaus Bethanien.

Steinunn Önnudóttir

Steinunn Önnudóttir

Steinunn Önnudóttir: Non Plus Ultra, 2019

Steinunn Önnudóttir: Non Plus Ultra, 2017

Steinunn Önnudóttir lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland. She completed a BA in Graphic design at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam in 2009 and a BA in Audiovisual in 2011, also at GRA. Recent shows include feigðarós — dreamfields, a collaborative show at Kling&Bang, Reykjavík, in 2021, and Non Plus Ultra, a solo show at Reykjavík Art Museum, in 2019. Steinunn received the Svavar Guðnason and Ásta Eiríksdóttir grant for emerging artists in 2019 and was nominated for the Icelandic Art Prize as Artist of the Year in 2022 together with Anna Hrund Másdóttir and Ragnheiður Káradóttir for their collaborative exhibition feigðarós — dreamfields.

Steinunn ran the Harbinger Project Space 2014 -2023, in collaboration with multiple artists, and from 2018 – 2022 she was a board member of the Sequences Art Festival.

Steinunn’s work borders on painting, sculpture and installation. She explores the space within painting, expanding it to physical dimensions, and the tactility of sculpture, focusing on surface and texture. She plays with scale and dimensions, and creates connotations between reality and staging. Common themes are subjects such as decay, distortion, illusion, origin and imitation

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