A Misunderstanding in Planning Procedures

Sólbjört Vera Ómarsdóttir

Sólbjört Vera Ómarsdóttir, Misskilningur í skipulagsmálum.

In her exhibition A Misunderstanding in Planning Procedures, Sólbjört presents new works created over the past year. The exhibition explores ambiguous themes related to navigating major life changes. Her works reference moments rooted in her immediate environment while also addressing broader existential reflections. The themes span familiar domestic spectacles, repetitive elements of daily life, and emotional challenges that reflect the contemporary zeitgeist. Sólbjört works with found-object sculptures while also addressing her subjects through intricate yet humorous craftsmanship.

Sólbjört Vera Ómarsdóttir (b. 1993) is an independent artist and has been a board member of the artist-run space Kling & Bang since 2020. Her works have been exhibited in group shows such as D-Vítamín at the Reykjavik Art Museum, Rúllandi Snjóbolti in Djúpivogur, and Löng Helgi in Reykjavik, Borgarnes, and Hvolsvöllur. Through her practice, Sólbjört often highlights playful themes found in everyday melancholy, typically working with media such as sculpture and video.

Artist: Sólbjört Vera Ómarsdóttir


22.02.2025 – 30.03.2025


Kling & Bang

Marshall House, Grandagarður 20, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland


City CenterExhibitionWheelchair AccessFree Entry

Opening hours:

Wed – sun: 12:00 – 18:00

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