Artist Talk at 18:00 — Spell

Sigrún Hrólfsdóttir

Listamannaspjall kl. 18:00 — Álög

On Long Thursday, May 30th Sigrún Hrólfsdóttir and Kristín Ómarsdóttir speak together about Sigrún's exhibition Spell: Dialectic Materialism or Commodity Fetishism?

The gallery will stay open btwn 5pm and 8 pm.

The conversation takes space at 6 pm.

Ginger tea will be served, some fruits and oatly biscuits.

Artist: Sigrún Hrólfsdóttir





Vesturgata 33b, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland


City CenterArtist Talk Good Thursday Free Entry

Opening hours:

Sun: 13:00 – 17:00

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