Free will

Hemn A. Hussein

LG // Litla Gallerý - Hemn A. Hussein

Hemn has been trying to experiment with style, creation and content in order to find his own unique path to his art. Hemn's artworks are abstract and surreal with a complete embrace of geometry. Abstract for the sole reason of indicating a departure from reality in depiction of the imagery.

Surreal because of the appearance of the un-identified humanoid figures and lastly, geometric, by the use of intense and calculative sacred geometry. However Hemn tends to completely liberate the viewers to interpret the artworks through their subjective feelings, thoughts and emotions.

The exhibited works tend to break down creation to it is very basic crystalline element in an effort of turning solid matter to energy and vibration. The truth of all creation. But getting to know to the truth takes the highest form of will. For this exact reason he titles the exhibition 'Free Will' or in Icelandic ' Frjáls Vilji' he prefers the Icelandic title as It intensifies and elaborates the meaning of the phrase altogether.

Hemn A. Hussein is a Kurdish multidisciplinary artist from the Southern region of Kurdistan. with a BA. In English philology and an MA. degree in Social sciences/ International Relations. His artistic journey intensifies with his arrival to Iceland in 2020 as an asylum seeker and since then he has been collaborating with local and international organizations on multiple art projects including painting, theatre, performance art and filmmaking. His journey will go on abroad and in Iceland where he calls 'Heim' or Home.

Exhibition opening is July 25th from 18:00-20:00 and all are welcome!

Other opening hours:
Friday 26th July 13:00 - 18:00
Saturday 27th July 12:00 - 17:00
Sunday 28th July 14:00 - 17:00

The event is sponsored by the Culture and Tourism Committee of Hafnarfjordur.

Artist: Hemn A. Hussein

Curator: Elvar Gunnarsson


25.07.2024 – 28.07.2024


LG // Litla Gallerý

Strandgata 19, 220 Hafnarfjörður, Iceland


Capital AreaExhibitionEvent

Opening hours:

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