
Jón Sigurpálsson (1954-2023)

Vitar Jón Sigurpálsson

The exhibition will feature graphic works, photographs, reliefs, and sculptures by Jón, along with sketches of artworks that were realized and some that were not.
Jón Sigurpálsson (1954 - 2023) was born in Reykjavík in 1954. After six years of art studies in the Netherlands, he settled, along with his wife Margrét Gunnarsdóttir, in Ísafjörður, where he lived and worked for the rest of his life. Jón exhibited both domestically and internationally for decades, and his numerous puplic artworks remain. Jón has contributed to the art community in various ways, such as running the Slunkaríki gallery in Ísafjörður and serving on the board of the Reykjavik Sculptors' Association.

Artist: Jón Sigurpálsson (1954-2023)


26.07.2024 – 29.09.2024


Slunkaríki Edinborg

Aðalstræti 7, 400 Ísafjörður, Iceland



Opening hours:

Daily: 10:00 – 18:00

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