Outvert and Reversed
Kristinn E. Hrafnsson

Kristinn says about this exhibition, ÚTHVERFT Á HVOLFI / OUTVERT AND REVERSED: An exhibition space with such an inspiring name as ÚTHVERFA/OUTVERT must have an effect on the way one works and arranges things. The title of the exhibition can be traced to the place, but during its production, age-old works about the reflection of objects and ideas, which can be called reversals, were recalled. These are works about the space and place upside down and inside out, symmetry and reflection and of course positive and negative. I'm actually still doing this, although in a different way and not necessarily as an inversion, but as a perspective; but in a certain context you can say it's one and the same. Perspectives determine how we see and experience things. The upside-down reversed world is as real as the rest - it's just one perspective out of many.
Kristinn will perform a short performance at the opening of the exhibition.
Artist: Kristinn E. Hrafnsson