
Haraldur Jónsson

Harladur Jónsson berg 2024

The silence after the blast imprints shadows on a window, impenetrable antistars in a glow that draws a vaulted echo of the events towards an internal investigation of the scenario. Urban buzz, commotion, drone of tires, nooks, crannies, unbridled rhythm, lingering blush of the body […] Here the guilt dwells in a threat that pretends to come to fruition and cast aspersions on the haven with blows and blackening, aggressive juicy and three-dimensional stamps that are indeed coordinates of reality in the form of breathing & series of tonalities that follow and chase feelings, governed by irregular delays and intervals […] In reach of a solution of material & spirit the sun rotates in sensory liminalities, epiphanies & inwardly illuminates heaven & earth in the maternal fathereye, obtrusive knowledge, outstretched or arrow-straight shadows of the orbit / the gifts are projected, frame & rhyme with a blind touch, shine, fertility & burning […] This fumbling immortality / inquisitive yearning / suspicion / photosynthesis / necessity / two poles strung together [...] in the underlying murmur, between a quivering colour that dissipates, depicts, and demarcates a decisive reflection around the deterrence. Extended moments stretch in long photographs, gaping, revealing apertures / the mouth is a burning well, a flaming film, staring in viscous transformations. Imminent meaning sweeps in along a valley & passes terrified through a slim membrane into a transparent cardinal sanctuary, a heart which rings out in domes & pumps a rhythmic, subtle inversion & causes holy vertigo […] vertigo […] vertigo […] a soul-vagabond in blissful chaos & slow apparition / mumbling sonic variations / collision of crumpled brightness & warps, projects and condenses with bone glue to an inner wall. The dawn & the hum of blood in a channel illuminates the curved underpass. The eclipse, the darkness, the blackness collapses, folds. The celebration, the blow & the bleeding.

Listamaður: Haraldur Jónsson


24.05.2024 – 06.07.2024


BERG Contemporary

Smiðjustígur 10 / Klapparstígur 16, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland


MiðborginSýningHjólastólaaðgengiEnginn aðgangseyrir


Þri – fös: 11:00 – 17:00
Lau: 13:00 – 17:00

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